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About Us

The Student Team for Alberta Rocketry Research (STARR) is a team of like-minded students from an array of disciplines and faculties who have come together with the common goal of expanding Alberta’s space industry through the development, testing, and launching of high altitude sounding rockets.


Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to provide experience for students in developing launch vehicles and scientific payloads, educate the public through outreach activities, and promote STEM to students across Alberta.


Our vision is to provide to our members the necessary experience and skills to pursue a career in the aerospace industry and strengthen Alberta's position as a leader in the Canadian aerospace community.

Our Team

Meet our 2023/2024 executives and team leads. We are students from various disciplines and faculties, coming together in the name of student rocketry research!  🚀 If you want to join any of our teams, contact us!


Looking for more photos?

Check out our photo albums to see our team and its experiences, events, and work throughout the years!

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